Sunday, March 28, 2010

New chickies

Here is this years Murdochs additions to our flock. I've started selling eggs and can't keep up with the demand. Only one way to fix that! MORE CHICKENS :)

Cuckoo Marans - We think we have three girls and one new boy.

Rhode Island Reds - We wanted these last year but they were all gone. So far they both look like girls.

Easter Eggers - Who can't resist more colored eggs? Plus we now have a new color of chicken - white!

Salmon Favorelle - We think this is a boy. They have gorgeous adult plumage, sadly I had to put him down after only two weeks, he couldn't walk and wasn't eating.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Some one's playing tricks on me!


Ok I want to know who snuck a robin into my coop?
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